Connecting to Home Assistant
Your Satellite1 arrives pre-flashed with all the necessary firmware to get you up and running quickly. You have 2 choices:
I want to set up via my iPhone or Android device with Bluetooth. (Recommended)
Open the Home Assistant Companion App on your Android or iPhone. Make sure Bluetooth on your phone is on and that you're nearby the Sat1!
Tap "Add" next to your Sat1 device (contains last 6 of device MAC address):
Type in your 2.4 Ghz WiFI credentials:
5 GHz Wi-Fi is not supported! Use only 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi.
On the Sat1 HAT, press the right "Action button" to give authorization:
Tap the name of your Sat1 device and then tap the "Submit" button:
Stick with the default or change the wake word, conversation agent, and voice:
After completing the Wizard, do NOT click to add the Sat1 to ESPHome again. Simply refresh and this will go away.
Congrats. You're done!
I want to set up via my computer & USB-C cable. (Advanced)
Plug your Sat1 directly into your computer with a USB-C cable that supports a data connection.
Click the connect button below and select the JTAG device in the browser's notification:
Optionally erase the device, then click "Next" and then "Install":
Type in your 2.4ghz WiFi network and click "Connect". Your device will begin sparkling blue while attempting to connect.
Congrats you're now connected to your Wifi. Your device will now begin sparkling red. This means it needs to be connected to ESPHome in your Home Assistant instance.
Inside Home Assistant, go to "Settings -> Devices & Services" and notice you have a Discovered `Satellite1 xxxxxx' device. Click add and follow the onboarding steps.
Congrats. You're done!
ESPHome User Interface
Once your Sat1 is connected to Home Assistant you should familiarize yourself with all the server-side settings you may want to change: