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Welcome to the FutureProofHomes Documentation page. Our goal is to help you get the most out of the FutureProofHomes voice assistant hardware and software so that you can control your smart home with your voice and your own private AI. In fact, that's our slogan!

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A Quick Note About Modular Hardware Design

Most customers think in terms of complete "products”. So, at FutureProofHomes we will sell complete pre-assembled products. However, unlike most hardware companies, our products will comprise of "modules", and each module is made up of "components”. In simple terms, we like to think of FutureProofHomes as the “Ikea of hardware”.

Good modular hardware design allows us to quickly iterate our products and innovate faster than monolithic hardware companies. It also allows our customers to easily repair and upgrade their products. And finally, it also helps us assure our customers that we will avoid the pitfalls of planned obsolescence which many hardware companies fall into.

In summary, a strong modular design strategy helps us keep a competitive advantage and adhere to our core principles.

Need More Help?

While we hope this documentation will answer all your questions, we realize support is sometimes needed. The FutureProofHomes team will do their best to keep up with support requests, but we also lean on our community to help all of us. See the links below and decide which method of support is best for your needs.

Have a general question and need quick help from the community?

Chat with the Community on Discord

Discord too chatty and you want a record of your general question?

Start a Discussion on Github

Do you have a feature request you'd love to see?

Look through our existing Feature Requests first, then open a new request if necessary:
Request a New Feature on Github

Have you found a reproducible issue with the hardware or software?

Report a Bug on Github